NetMission Engine
For the latest on NetMission, be sure to check out the development blog!
This forum topic originally started as a fan-game idea called “Metroid Online” by PrimevalDarkness. Through a series of confusing steps, the conversation eventually transformed into progress reports for Troid92’s general-purpose 2D game engine called NetMission Engine. The full thread is left here intact for historical purposes, but the official development blog seeks to paint a clearer picture.
An old update:
* NetMission is an unreleased general-purpose 2D game engine being coded by Troid92 in his spare time.
* Note that at this point the game engine itself has no references to Metroid or anything Nintendo-related.
* It originally started in this very thread as a fangame called “Metroid Online” (“Multiplayer 2-D Metroid game”) to be coded in C++ by PrimevalDarkness in 2005.
* It was quickly renamed to “Metroid: Net Mission”, and after cycling through a few programmers, the concept was handed to Troid92 to make the game in Game Maker 6.1.
* Troid92 felt Game Maker 6.1 was not a good fit for the game, and he began writing code in C++, differentiating the fangame and its engine code with a single space (Net Mission vs. NetMission).
* The fangame team gradually disbanded, but Troid92 kept working on the engine in the hopes of someday making games with it, perhaps even “Metroid: Net Mission”.
* In 2013 he used NetMission to produce an official P2D tech demo called “Defend Your Flaahgra”
* To this day he continues to post his updates in this thread, although there are often huge gaps (many months) between his updates since he is in the middle of a completely unrelated career.
An older update:
Metroid: Net Mission:
- Multiplayer sidescrolling 2-D Metroid game being programmed by Troid92.
- 13 characters to choose from, including Samus and the Hunters
- Lots of weapons, new and old, and plenty of sweet upgrades
- Currently some demos are out, check the forum announcements or later posts in this topic
Click here to go to the forums
Primeval’s original post:
I am working on an online Multiplayer version of Metroid. You can choose which character you want to be and fight other players. Maps will be taken from all the metroid games, as well as characters.
Powerups will either give you new weapons, or, if you don’t have weapons, a new transformation. A transformation would be like a Metroid growing into an Alpha Metroid, then a Gamma, etc.
Here is a list of some of the characters I will be using. The ones that are indented aren’t choosable in the beginning, you have to upgrade to them.
GF Trooper
- Dark GF Trooper
- Dark Missile Trooper
Samus Powersuit
Samus Variasuit
Samus Gravitysuit
Samus Phazonsuit
Samus Darksuit
Samus Lightsuit
- Dark Splinter
- Alpha Splinter
- Dark Alpha Splinter
- Alpha Metroid
- Gamma Metroid
- Zeta Metroid
- Omega Metroid
Space Pirate
- Power Trooper
- Wave Trooper
- Ice Trooper
- Plasma Trooper
- Shadow Trooper
- Elite Pirate
- Phazon Elite Pirate
- Omega Pirate
Baby Sheegoth
- Sheegoth
Dark Samus
- Dark Samus2
War Wasp
- Ram War Wasp
- Barbed War Wasp
- Queen War Wasp (note: I made this one up, thought it would be cool)
There will also be many environments and maps to play on. Some environmental objects would be:
GF Gate
Different doors
Luminoth Turret
Auto Defense Turret
Mega Defense Turret
Portals to the light and dark worlds
GF Bridge
There will also be many different game modes to play.
Team Deathmatch
Queen of the Hill
Bounty(collect coins like in MP2)
Grab the Flickerbat(first person to kill it wins)
Capture the Artifact(Capture the flag)
Defend your territory(one team holds an area, the other must take that area)
Hunter (one person verse all, hunter gets upgraded depending on number of enemies)
I have already started working on it and may need some help with sprites. I am making the game entirely in C++. I will probably put up a website soon.