I'm new here

I know they have this level of expertise. They just need to learn that there’s time involved a project. Do what P2D and Super Metroid Clasic are doing - band together to make the game happen.

Look. We were arguing about area names of all things. This game has them. Polaris is just “Polar” with an I and an S added to it, but it’s a name. Simple details like that are what can make or break a game. I don’t eve know what Brinstar means, but it’s a name. There’s an entire team with each member dedicated to doing something. It’s not quite up to what you’d expect from a real Metroid game, but it’s not even half done. Imagine what it’s going to be like when it is done. And that guy who just said I’m mindlessly bashing quickly replies to their “annihilator suit” with

This is exactly what they needed to know. I have to say I didn’t like it either, and now the team knows.

Next up, this is what the game should feel like. That’s all he’s really done in his game, but it’s there. This is really good work. Please remember, though, that I’m not saying that every game has to look and play just like that. If it’s fluid and coherent, that’s what matters.

Good game here, too. It needs a bit of fixing here and there, and I think the name needs to be changed, but it looks like it can become really good; I mean Nintendo good.

Last on my list, Metroid Legends 3. I’ll say it right now - I don’t like 1 or 2 very much. 3, though, looks like it’s going to be great.

Yeah, there are others that I like, but these four are the only ones I’m going to talk about. Don’t take my critique as being completely hateful toward what everyone’s doing. I’m just saying that there are things that people will like, and things that they won’t. Those four up there can probably be really good, as can others.


See? People are clearly able to work. Some just aren’t willing to spend the time, and others just can’t find anyone who is willing to band with them to create a game. We have one guy just sitting there who can create sprites and make music. He can even give you good ideas and help you with the story. Has anyone thought to ask him for help?

Games don’t finish because people really want them to be done just as quickly as they snap their fingers. I’d like this, too, but we all have to accept that there’s time invloved. There are posts littered around the site where people talk about how they don’t have games any longer because they were scrapped. Why were they scrapped? Because the creator was overwhelmed with work.

Even the strangest ideas can be fun. But read the posts below the first one. Everyone’s already saying that he can’t do it alone. Everyone’s telling him what to do and what not to do. Now this guy’s sitting there with a ton of work that needs to be done, and he comes up with a good idea. He turns the game into an engine with an editor. Now that he’s getting a relatively simple editor for the commmunity to use, he’ll have the entire forum working for him.

Also, I have one last point against midi. Listen to this (direct link to MP3) and then these.