Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

I’m pretty sure that the general opinion about the game is “better than Echoes, but not as good as Prime”. This game had its moments, but it is nowhere near perfect.

I also, still, can’t stand the controls. When trying to do the more complicated morphball techniques (like bsjs), I just ache for a controller I can hold with two hands. And of course, like most Wii games, the motion sensing is really unreliable. >_< The game made me appreciate Echoes a lot more, and the Gamecube even.

I would like more 3d metroids, but since that means Wii/Retro, I’ll probably never get another good one. I say they should just go back to the 2d games… but I REALLY don’t want a “2.5d” game, and that’s probably what they would do. I guess I can probably consider Metroid dead for the time being. I really don’t trust Nintendo and Retro with the future of Metroid anymore; they’re just doing whatever they can to make the most money off of it.

I couldn’t stand using a review, so I just had a friend point me in the right direction >_>

Just beat the game at 84% and 17:11 for time. I thought it was good, last boss battle was too easy if you ask me. I too believe they could have done better with the ending.

EDIT: For the record, I thought it was better than Metroid Prime.

Actually 072, the general opinion seems to be “as good as or better than Prime”. And, Got_Metroid: They get possessed by Dark Samus or something.

Who said that? (So I can smack 'em)

EDIT: Besides Dragon. <_< Smacks Dragon

Me, Meph, Moony, RP, Red, Dragon, plenty of randoms at Gamefaqs and M2K2…

Heaven forbid we have non-elitist opinions.

Hey, If I lose any respect for people becuase of their opinions, that’s my fault, not theirs, right?

I also remember when everyone thought Echoes was better than Prime during the first week of its release, maybe the same thing is happening again.

Or maybe you were just so determined from the start to hate every aspect of the game that you can’t believe others see it for the masterpiece it is.

I believe it, I just have no idea why anyone with half a brain would think of it as a masterpiece. If you think that that game had a count of zero flaws, then I may just lose more than a little respect for you…

Also, as I’ve already made clear, I don’t hate every aspect of the game, just a very large portion of it. But it’s like baking in dog crap with chocolate chip cookies; there is still some good, but the bad in it ruins the whole thing.

Um, yeah.

Add me to the list of people who thinks Corruption is much better than Prime 1.

Also, who else was expecting to see that weird dark feathery flying version of Dark Samus that took over the other hunters at the end? I am not gonna lie, that version of her was pretty kickass looking. I keep wishing something more was done with the end. It felt kinda rushed. Oh well.

The only flaws I saw were Phaazoids (most bullshit thing in any Metroid, ever) and the lack of an escape sequence despite an exploding planet.

Oh, plus 313’s voice was shit, despite the rest being awesome.

And most masterpieces I know don’t have flaws, for example… every masterpiece since the history of masterpieces.

And you forgot about the ending. <_<

(Seriously, a thumbs up?)

And Barbie doll Samus…

And possibly some more things I’m sure we can agree on.

At least Samus was better than in MP2.

I liked the thumbs up, personally.


Shoots self

At least now we don’t have to listen to your whining.

I rather agree with 072, to SOME extent. Prime 3 has a lot of remarkable improvements over the first two games, but the original Prime feels more complete- and more masterpiece worthy. I mean, look at Prime 3:

  • The voice acting was good upon great, but definitely not the best I’ve ever heard.

  • The music seems a little lacking. The tracks it HAS are good, but there are a few tiny things that irk me. Recycled tracks from Prime 1, no menu theme (as opposed to title theme), and some of the music sounds like it was ripped from Halo. I honestly prefer Prime 1’s music to this.

  • The graphics are the best on the Wii. However, that will cease to be true the second Galaxy comes out. For a game known to have revolutionary graphics, that makes me think there was a lot of untapped potential.

  • 072 is right about the ending. CRAPPY. AS. HELL. (But to be fair, Prime 1’s was no better.)

Prime 3 suffers from little tiny details that only stand out because of how Prime 1 managed to work around the same problems- but Prime 3 also fixes the little details Prime 1 MISSED, which means while in some ways it IS the best in the series, in a few others it isn’t. It’s neutral- I think I’d say Prime 3 is AS GOOD as Prime 1. Not better.

And given how crappy Echoes was, I couldn’t ask for anything better.

Meh, unfortunately, I haven’t even gotten to play a DEMO of the game, so there’s not much I can say on it.

But I can say, NONE of the story elements that are upsetting 072 or Troid will bother me, so most likely, I’ll find it even better than Prime 1. I look forward to everything new they’ve tried, even if it’s hit or miss.

But 072, how can you say that the previous primes have better controls? I haven’t played it, but you’re the ONLY one ANYWHERE Ive heard to say that.


072 likes his Metroid to never evolve, so that’s why he hates on the new stuff. I for one, agree with Troid on alot of things, but I’m still looking forward to Prime 3 for it’s own awsome things.

Who needs Friend Vouchers? I have 6 =D

I need one my self to get the SSTool <.<

For those who haven’t figured it out. My game came in YESTERDAY without me knowing it D: which means I COULD HAVE PLAYED IT >.< Karma gotta love it

One reason why I really enjoyed Prime 3 was because it wasn’t a complete clone of the original, it played different and had plenty of new features, which all seemed to work well in the end. I agree with Axion about the Dark Samus spirit thing, I really expected it to have some meaning in the end of the game.

Another spoiler question***********

Is there any Red phazon in the game? It would piss me off severely if they didn’t explain it.