Will P2D run on Windows Vista?
I suppose so…
I don’t have vista, so I can’t test.
hmm, appears to be taking forever and a day to load so i say no
Hu? My friend has vista and it runs fine so methinks it does run on vista and your comp sux
I run Vista too, and it seems that I can only run GM 7 games, GM 6.1 games don’t run at all…
Install XP on a separate partition, thats always handy to have. You only have to select which OS you want to run each time you boot up.
I second the notion, with one caveat: Only do this if your original drive had more than 100 gigs, and has more than the minimum specs remaining. I learned this the hard way.
or get marks utility and replace the runner <.<
marks utility? care to elaborate?
sigh Mark Overmars made a utility that splits the gmfile from the runner in the exe then inserts the new runner. -.-
thanks, more free stuff
Wow, this is good. Thanks for the link.
Heh no prob at least this allows DF to keep his source code safe from YoYo’s retarded EULA <.<
i swear their terms of use was written by a two year old >.>;
strike that, a two year old could right better. a mentally challenged two year old
lawl too true Hairy
I had recently found out about their stupid terms as well. I thought they would be the same as last and not have to read them; that was my idiotic mistake.
The terms can burn in my furnace.
if your smart you will get a file converter for vista
Because OS’ can be “uninstalled”.
Why not?