Well, there usually isn’t an uninstaller for operating systems (there are exceptions, such as Windows XP when installed as an upgrade from Windows 98).
hidden deep in system32… is uninstall.exe
what’s the problem with windows vista? i like it. all you need to do is get an extra gig of ram than what you would get before (and with memory prices as they are its hardly any $$). It looks nice, it functions almost as smoothly as windows xp (only because of some program incompatabilities, which usually have patches anyway), and microsoft paint finally has more undo levels (10 i think)
My VB programs don’t run on Vista. Automatically means it sucks.
oh yes and VB programs are the world to everyone so that means that vista immediately sucks and there is no possibility for reconciliation despite DX10
This was Mason’s face when he was making that post.
Read: Tongue-in-cheek.
403 access denied.
Click the address bar, and hit enter.
VB works here <_<
I <3 vista hardcore.
You won’t be able to run my Ultimate Board Game Engine, and I don’t think you can run Rotis on Vista either.
Indeed, I won’t be using Vista because the last 6.5 years of my life mean so little to it.
VB sucks.
I must say, we’re doing VB in computing at the moment, and I really don’t like some of the language.
I’m with you, if it’s anything like EVERYTHING ELSE MICROSOFT HAS EVER DONE.
Basic is a wonderful stepping stone to programming in a real man’s language though, much more so than, say, C#, so maybe VB is groovy. I’ve never written a single line of VB code, so I wouldn’t know :S
if eww = 1 then
msgbox (“This pains me”)
end if
VB is pretty nearly plain English, and it’s just about as flexible as many languages (especially since it can use DLLs made in said other languages–by the way, you don’t need pointers) except it’s not cross-platform, which you have to specifically code for in other languages anyway. It’s also not slower than other languages if you know what you’re doing.
If eww = 1 Then
MsgBox "This pains me."
End If
if (eww==1) {
alert("This pains me.");
Java (taken from a random website):
[code]import java.awt.;
import java.awt.event.;
public class MsgBox extends Dialog implements ActionListener {
? ?private Button ok,can;
? ?public boolean isOk = false;
? ?/*
? ? * @param frame ? parent frame
? ? * @param msg ? ? message to be displayed
? ? * @param okcan ? true : ok cancel buttons, false : ok button only
? ? */
? ?MsgBox(Frame frame, String msg, boolean okcan){
? ? ? ?super(frame, “Message”, true);
? ? ? ?setLayout(new BorderLayout());
? ? ? ?add(“Center”,new Label(msg));
? ? ? ?addOKCancelPanel(okcan);
? ? ? ?createFrame();
? ? ? ?pack();
? ? ? ?setVisible(true);
? ?}
? ?
? ?MsgBox(Frame frame, String msg){
? ? ? ?this(frame, msg, false);
? ?}
? ?
? ?void addOKCancelPanel( boolean okcan ) {
? ? ? ?Panel p = new Panel();
? ? ? ?p.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
? ? ? ?createOKButton( p );
? ? ? ?if (okcan == true)
? ? ? ? ? ?createCancelButton( p );
? ? ? ?add(“South”,p);
? ?}
? ?void createOKButton(Panel p) {
? ? ? ?p.add(ok = new Button(“OK”));
? ? ? ?ok.addActionListener(this);
? ?}
? ?void createCancelButton(Panel p) {
? ? ? ?p.add(can = new Button(“Cancel”));
? ? ? ?can.addActionListener(this);
? ?}
? ?void createFrame() {
? ? ? ?Dimension d = getToolkit().getScreenSize();
? ? ? ?setLocation(d.width/3,d.height/3);
? ?}
? ?public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
? ? ? ?if(ae.getSource() == ok) {
? ? ? ? ? ?isOk = true;
? ? ? ? ? ?setVisible(false);
? ? ? ?}
? ? ? ?else if(ae.getSource() == can) {
? ? ? ? ? ?setVisible(false);
? ? ? ?}
? ?}
? ?
? ?public static void main(String args){
? ? ? ?Frame f = new Frame();
? ? ? ?f.setSize(200,200);
? ? ? ?f.setVisible(true);
? ? ? ?MsgBox message = new MsgBox
? ? ? ? ?(f , “Hey you user, are you sure ?”, true);
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?if (message.isOk)
? ? ? ? ? System.out.println(“Ok pressed”);
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?if (!message.isOk)
? ? ? ? ? System.out.println(“Cancel pressed”);
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?message.dispose();
? ?}
int main() {
? ?if (eww==1) {
? ? ? ?MessageBox(0,"Hello","Welcome Message",1);
? ?}
? ?return 0;
It’s a usable language, and certainly a good entry into programming, but it’s syntax hurts me
I tried to go dim variable as integer = 17 today, and it was all like NO FUCK YOU.
Yes, no, cool, wrong, wrong, I accept your challenge.
It is nice to be able to sacrifice performance for programming ease sometimes, though. I think it makes plenty of sense to make simple apps in a language like VB, because both programs would be, in effect, instantaneous, so there’s not too much point in more efficiency.
plus with the whole forms thing, it’s a tad easier than doing a UI in C#

I’ve never written a single line of VB code, so I wouldn’t know.
Idiot. I’m pretty sure my 6.5 years of experience are more credible than your never having written a single line of VB code.