What is your favorite metroid game?

Talk to a grand parent, they’d tell you that the first TVs were amazing :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides, I’m not talking about the action of metroid 2, I’m talking about the ideas. They were limited at the time, but what if they used game boy advance for it, a later system? It would be insane! Unfortunately they didn’t, and so Metroid 2 is undermined…

It might be an excellent game, and it might have been groundbreaking, but Super Metroid is considered “better.” Super Metroid has color, more abilities, and a good storyline. So, people are much more likely to just vote Super Metroid.

It’s only in Black in White when you play it on GB or GB Pocket…
Which the GB was the only Choice back then…

The fake colorized versions of games the GBC and GBA make suck.

Metroid Zero Mission, I love that game, I can pick it up and run through it so fast! It has a fast start and you squence skip like crazy! Second is Super Metroid, third is prime, fourth is Fusion, Echoes is good but it doesnt feel right

I loved how Zero Mission came with the original, which I now appreciate more than ever.

Zero Mission is too easy.

Zero Mission isn’t a game. It’s a two second adventure that you can get done with your eyes closed and both hands tied behind your back.

Let me guess, you got to the buttons with your face? jk :wink:

Feet. Same way I beat Metroid 1 when I was eight.

Try 10% hard mode and say that again. I dare you. Even if you do manage to beat Mother Brain, good luck with the most evil escape run ever.

I couldn’t even beat Ridley in Zero Mission’s hard mode. Normal mode is too easy though.

My little brother finds Kraid impossible on hard. And Black Ice, there’s a Ridley cheesing strat on Metroid2K2.com.

The hardest part in Zero Missin`s hard mode was the gettingf out of the Pirate mother ship! :confused:

Zero Mission is goddamn cheap. All I have to say is last boss after destroying the glass plate + Screw Attack = free stuff, and the easiest game ever.

2 words, 1 letter, and 1 number Super Metroid 3d! for the ds of course.

:confused: There’s no such thing as Super Metroid 3D. Though it was a project on M2k2…

Metroid Hunters?

MP2 i loved the difficulity of the bosses! i had 8 seconds left on Dark Samus!

The only hard bosses in MP2 were Boost Guardian, maybe Spider Guardian, Alpha Blogg if you couldn’t dodge, and Emperor Ing form 1 unless you know the secret trick.
Nintendo has confirmed that Metroid Prime: Hunters will in fact have a new storyline.