What is your favorite metroid game?

I second that.

I like Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Prime and of course Metroid Prime 2 most!! I think the other 2 Metroids are not so cool…



Metroid prime 2 the best? I still don’t see why. Dark samus was a fun boss but metroid prime also had something echoes didn’t, I still say.

Personally, If echoes fit in a darksamus-ish boss into prime, it’d be ideal, Methinks.

I second that. Prime has superior music and has good looking enviroments. I dunno in Echoes the planet looked dead. PRIME IS THE DABOMB!!! :smiley: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Prime was just original. Echoes is a sequel. End of story.

Good analysis.

Now that nin10do has made metroid zero mission, there should realy be a remake of metroid 2.

Go through the series, eh?


They should remake Metroid 2 like MZM, but port Super Metroid directly to the GBA without messing with it.

Exactly. Black Ice but his finger directly on the point. Leave every glitch there. I soooooo want to do the reset game glitch.

You know they wont leave the glitches in there. Theyre Nintendo. :angry:

There’s secret worlds in metroid 2, so I’ve heard…

True, I’ve accessed a few of them.

Um, they’d have to screw with Super Metroid. It wouldn’t work if they didn’t. Too many buttons. Along the way of fixing that, they’d see all these glitches and say “Baibai glitchez!” Or they could make a peripheral with extra buttons. That’d be sweet. ;\

DS has the same number of buttons( not including touchable screen. )
But they probably wouldn’t… I don’t know…

How bout Dash is auto for GBA/SP. Would that be enough buttons then?
Errr… Bad idea… Right?

It might be good or bad, maybe they could have it be a custom option oh well, Lol, anyways hello people :slight_smile:

I think Metroid 2 was seriously undermined in this poll. Its a great game, espescially for its time. It was also the first leap from NES Metroid style to the SNES Super Metroid style that we have grown into now. Personally, I think it should be redone in a more advanced way. Hell, the Metroids were as strong as anything, espescially Zeta type. I doubt that anyone who played one of the more recent games would either A: know how to play or B: be killed instantaneously. Its not the best (of course) but without that, you would never have played with save stations, you would never know a stroyline completely, you would never have seen the plasma and spazer beams, you would never know about Metroids in general, and if you were a young kid without his NES back then, where could you find a game of Metroid??!!

metroid II is just so…BORING compared to later games. I just can’t pick it up anymore and enjoy it like I did back in the early days with my friends.

Metroid II is black and white. People can’t stand black-white.