And now it’s time for our next riddle! Remember, the first one to 80 points wins TWO COOKIES AND A GLASS OF MILK!!
Now remember folks, that was only a starter riddle! They get tougher as you go!
Ayyynnnnnndddd… HERE’S THE NEXT RIDDLE!
I’m what you never lose
I’m what you never choose
My siblings are grey, green, yellow, and blue
Yet I’m something that you definitely can’t eschew
In the second dimension, some of my brothers overlap with myself
Instead of you having to choose each one off the metaphorical shelf!
Who or what am I?
(Yup, the almighty screw attack. Roffle. Why are Samus’s enemies doomed? Does she have AIDs or something?
I hope this riddle isn’t too obscure, but then again, anyone who’s played a lot of Metroid games should get it fairly easily after awhile, or so I’m guessing. Hmmm…)
DING DING DING DING DING!! Cooooorreeect!! 10 points to Dark Samus! He answered it first!
Got_Metroid???: 10
Dark Samus: 10
We’ll be right back after this message from our sponsors! (Actual meaning: Too tired to create another riddle right now.)
I’m going to break down the lines of the riddle and explain them in case anyone didn’t get a part of it.
I’m what you never lose = Every game in Metroid, Samus loses all of her items, but she never loses the power beam.
I’m what you never choose = You can never get rid of (Super Metroid) nor go without the Power Beam.
My siblings are grey, green, yellow, and blue = Grey = Missiles, Green = Super Missiles, yellow = charge beam, blue = ice beam. They’re all other items that Samus collects.
Yet I’m something that you definitely can’t eschew = You can’t ignore the Power Beam. It’s the only weapon you have upon game start, and even though you get many advanced items (My siblings are grey green yellow and blue line) they’re all either limited in what they can do or are not ammoless. The Power Beam can defeat most enemies and uses no ammo. It’s also got rapid fire, something that Missiles can’t match.
In the second dimension, some of my brothers overlap with myself
Instead of you having to choose one off the metaphorical shelf! = In all 2D metroid games, you can combine items with the power beam instead of having to select each one individually, like you have to in the Prime games.
Oh, and Got Metroid, the answer is Kraid.
Edit: Changed my mistaken she to he. Sorry about that, DS.
We’re back on our lightning round of JETMAN123’S RIDDLES!! So far, the score is:
Got_Metroid: 10
Dark_Samus: 10
Ayyyynnnnnnddd… WHOOP! pulls out riddle
I’m a Metroid game, it’s true
I’ve been played by many people, perhaps even you
I’m far superior to my lowest underling
I had real sound effects, unlike his simple dings!
When you play me, you’ll have a ball
Following the story of a city in the stars’ fall.
Now, note contestents: Video game riddles must only have ONE answer. You can’t just simoutaneously list every game in the series!
(Woohoo! I got one right!
This riddle’s harder than the others, or at least I’d like to think so, as it’s considerably more obscure than the others. I wonder how long it will take people to solve it…)
Upon touching, I will hurt, deform, and even kill you
Pirates like me and use me through and through
I am found in only two Metroid games
My color is that opposite of flames
After defeating one of my many enhanced creatures
You can stand the corruption with your new suits features
No, it’s not Metroid Prime. As for the she comment… sorry… it’s either:
A. My fingers slipped
B. I was more tired than I thought.
C. My subconcious associates the name Dark Samus with the female gender automatically.
The problem is, my typing speed’s fairly fast - 70 WPM at peak - and when I’m tired or I have a subconicous conception about something, my fingers get ahead of my brain, resulting in gender mixups and the like. It doesn’t happen too often, but…
I’m a Metroid game, it’s true = Self explanatory.
I’ve been played by many people, perhaps even you = Super Metroid was very popular when it came out.
I’m far superior to my lowest underling = Super Metroid was a major step forward from the original Metroid. It had better graphics, a map, equippable items, and the like.
I had real sound effects, unlike his simple dings! = The sound effects were vastly better.
When you play me, you’ll have a ball
Following the story of a city in the stars’ fall. = The Ceres Space Colony is attacked and everyone is killed during the beginning of Super Metroid.
It’s not Zero Mission either. Neither Prime nor Zero Mission had a space colony being attacked, and nor did any other Metroid game to date. Well, Fusion too, I guess, but it wasn’t really a major step forwards.
That’s just because, hmm yeah I have played it but I never noticed that.
I should’ve used it to have a Gravity suit on but no Varia suit.
Strange color?
I have a verry large blast.
I am an item that in many games you find me last.
I have a smaller weaker cousin.
You need to get expansions for me if you find them all you will get 2 dozen.