Metroid Nebulus

A nebula cloud can not only become a blue star, but a red one, too. However, instead of giving Nebula power, it gives Plasma power. Earth’s sun, for example, is a red star and is made of Plasma. This is where plasma comes from; and it is very similar to Nebula.

Well, Samus was on her ship, heading towards the unnamed planet where Friezha was…

when Space Pirates, out of nowhere, attacked Samus’s ship. Her ship flew, uncontrollably, towards Twin Tebula. Samus crashed on the surface of the planet…

but most of her weapons were gone…

She still had her Morph ball, Bombs, Power Suit, and Power Beam, but most of the visors were inactive. She could only scan with her upgraded Scan Visor, which can now show otherwise invisibe objects, and her Combat Visor did not show her danger level, or enemy radar. The targeting feature in her cannon was destroyed, too…

But she had to continue on, or eventually, she would be defenseless from the Pirates…

Samus hid under some rubble in her ship, and saw another ship coming…

A massive, giant beast came out out the ship… along with a large container… full of Nebula…

Samus had to stop the Nebula from getting into the Pirate’s hands, or else Ridl-

she stopped there… as Ridley landed onto the ground from the sky…

Samus heard the Pirates plans with the massive creature…

The creature would give the Nebula in return for the Space Pirates and him to join his army…
and they agreed…

Samus was defenseless, but she had to do something…

She morphed into a Morph Ball, and rolled out of her ship, as the large creature went back into his ship, but before he did, she scanned him, and the visor read…

Age: 2 months old
Origin: created in the Space Pirate Lab

Information currently unavailble

Samus rolled back into her morph ball and started her adventure…

Now, if you look at the map I made, you start in Twin Tebula. You get Missles there, and defeat Ridley. He is easy for the first time, but later, he gets very tough.

After you defeat Ridley, he escapes, along with the Nebula, and does exactly what Samus wanted to avoid…

can we see a demo coming out soon?

Truly sorry, but no…

I haven’t made a single sprite on this yet, unless you count my other version, and If you ever bother playing it, you’ll really have to squint…

Only my sister and my neighbor have ever actually beat Metroid Nebulus, infact…

Well, it’s going to be easy and hard to make a demo, because:

I have Coolman who says he’ll work on music, I completed the map, and I finished the storyline.

It’s hard, because the graphics are the thing that puts the game together, and besides, I know nobody that can program this…

If I do have a programmer somewhere, expect a demo in about 2 weeks to a month…

Maybe even less, because I have no school for an entire week in a couple of days…

Do you really like my storyline so far? I never thought anyone would think of it as perfect… If people really like it, then I guess I shuld work a lot more than I am working now…

Well, you’re luckier than I, that’s for damn sure. Good luck with the demo!

You’re working on a game, too?

Well, how am I luckier? What problem has fallen upon you?

Oh, and I’ve decided to use some Metroid Zero Mission sprites. If I don’t, this game will be almost impossible to make…

About the music…dot…dotdot…

I have been making music sonce I was 4. I am very good. The problem is… I won’t be able to start until about march… :frowning: That’s when I’m getting my birthday money and I’m going to spend it on a better computer/piano keyboard to play the music and better software to make the music. As soon as I can do the music, I will.

And I won’t be able to make all of the music but I will do quite a bit. (Well, if I have time to do all of it, I will.) And read what I posted in the To All Potential Fangame Makers Topic.

Happy to help. :smiley:

Well, not to turn this topic into a sob story, I’ll make it brief. About 5 games of mine have floundered because I was good at nothing. Now, I’m good at everything except music and game engines (design, sprites, models) but I still can’t get my new game to work out (StarGunner: Zile’s Revenge)

My advice to GL and XMega,

Make a website about your games and have a forum on it (use invision free). From there, you can assemble a team, have your idea more out in the open, etc. Use P2D’s method of team member finding. If they make something you like, they’re in! Seriously, don’t let someone sign up, just cuz they want to be on the team, cuz they may not have what you’re looking for.
And that concludes this weeks advice.

Ok, no problem…

Here’s what I have in my head for the Antharg music theme:


Some kinda guitar:
8787665>4 8_

Main part:
789876566_ 7898765606__
78987656876_ 7891234555*_

And it continues…

It may be hard to picture, but the numbers represent the note, the higher the number, the higher the note.

a _ means to hold the note. > means to slurr, or go right into the next note.
*means the next octave.

As for Goldleader, when I ever have time, I’ll help you with your game, as for sprites/images! :laughing:

thanks, I have a pretty good idea of what you mean.

Oh, I forgot to tell ya… that 0 means rest.

Most of the notes are a little slurred, but the part where you see> means to go right into the next note.

The notes are mostly eighth notes, forgot to tell ya that too…

Heh, I don’t need images since it will all be made using 3d equipment, but stuff like the type face and menu screen I could use help. But back on topic: How’s progress in general?

When you say type face, d’you mean interface?

Like, the thing that shows health, etc?

Well, I’ll be glad to make one… I love making interfaces! They’re the most fun part…

In general, Metroid Nebulus is 10% complete.

wait…it’s in 3-d? I like stuff in2-d

He said “3d equipment”. I don’t think everything will be 3d…

I meant that I would take static images of 3d models and use them as sprites. (pre-rendered of course)

Gold Leader, if you want, just tell me what to make on the interface, if you want one, and I’ll try my bst to make one.

Now, after that, lets get back on topic, lolz.

(Oh, I just made the “rough draft” of the Metroid Nebulus interface)

That’s kind of you, but honestly I don’t have the entire thing planned out yet :stuck_out_tongue: I’m working on it though…

Lolz, ok. Is there anything else you need help with?

Because in Nebulus, right now I’m trying to concentrate on nothing really, except for Gamemaker.

I guess I’ll have to program everything, unless someone else, who’s experienced, could do it…

Because if I do, I bet this will take forever to make, and it won’t be as great as it possibly could have been.

So, you name it. What graphics ya want me to make?

Again, since the ship is 3d in style, everything else must be, so there isn’t alot of things I won’t have to do myself. Concentrate on your own game, it’s more important right now (seeing as how it’s underway :stuck_out_tongue:)