Theories on Existence/everything

Er, actually, according to the theory, each plane is a dimension itself. And within the dimensions lies the four known dimensions (including time).

That’s why I’m saying the term “dimension” doesn’t fit. Because it takes on two meanings that theory.

LIES. The law of conservation of matter prevents matter from just disappearing. And wow, there are two Timmeh’s now?

String Theory. It all makes perfect sense. And as for my own personal theory… I don’t own one. Or maybe I do but I forgot.[EDIT: after reading Axion’s theory, I actually remember now, that I used to wonder that everyday. That we all lived in our own Universe, and in their Universe, they are the center of attention, and when I challenge somebody saying that this is my Universe, it’s really there’s, but as long as I know I am speaking, it’s mine… kind of a weird theory…]

Axion is certainly an interesting character. I upgrade him to a Kitten Adept!

Expanding on his dimension theory, but taking it in an entirely different direction…what if this universe we’re in, is not all that there is? What if this is but one universe among many, a MULTIVERSE, if you will. And inside these other universes, or dimensions if that term is preferred are every single possible thing that isn’t here.

To clarify, think of this planet. Now change one thing, like…make yourself six inches taller. There is most likely a dimension where that, and only that is different…of course, there are other dimensions that are entirely different, because the rules that apply in our universe are meaningless, or completely different in others.

It’s crazy, but it does have an interesting ring to it. If anyone would like to attempt to prove or disprove it, by all means…attempt.

(P.S. Recent studies have indicated that the leading cause of death, is dying.)

Also, Axion, I don’t think that each brane is a dimension. Although I haven’t looked at it in a while. But anyways, Did you forget to mention 11 dimensions in existence? To many, this may sound “crackpotish”, but if you think about, standing outside and looking at 2cm long pole from 20 feet away may look like a line to us, but to an ant, it can experience its curves–which also supports Axion’s theory that we all live in our own universe–and so, tiny strings–the main constituent in String Theory–says that strings need, not 5, but 11 different dimensions.

The fifth dimension describes the curvature of spacetime, so if you don’t count time, spacetime is no longer a smooth geometrical plane, so you can’t have four dimensions without time. Not counting time, means not counting the fifth dimension.

Also, Kitty… where do you get all these really cool “P.S”'s?

Although I personally don’t have a theory that I believe in, I do have many theories of my own. One thing I would like to note, is that does anyone think it is possible there is no theory of how we were created? Perhaps we do not have a beginning, and will not have an end. Humans just can’t seem to comprehend this, and therefore have to not only make theories of our beginnings, but also our ends.

On Nostril Kitty’s theory: It’s an interesting thought. I don’t think it can really be proven or disproven, but I would like to point out a fact that could prove this theory. In at least one of these universes would be that humans would have the technology to be able to travel to these other universes, therefore it is possible that we could have visitors from these other universes someday, or perhaps it has already happened, and we never realized it or remembered/recorded it.

Now for my own theory: This universe does not truly exist, nothing does. We are all made up, mere NPC’s or pawns in a game being played by someone, or just characters in a dream. Or perhaps we are all beings in the subconscious of some being. We view our surroundings, people, and objects through our sense merely for the realism.

It sounds like another crackpot theory, but in my opinion, nothing is a crack pot theory. Anything is possible, we just assume some are unrealistic or illogical based on our experiences and our views of the norm, not what is necessarily the truth.

This is what I beleive. It’s pretty fascinating.

That is what you believe…or that’s what you heard and thought sounded really cool, so now you’re going to tell people that its really cool? Wait…I think those mean the same thing. Or don’t they?

Anyways, nice video, although I think the concepts could be explained slightly clearer. I’ve heard similar kinds of ideas in several different books, and the novel “Mostly Harmless” by Douglas Adams had an interesting way of describing dimensions.

The Anti-Guide quite clearly stated that you simple humans move freely through the first three dimensions, a straight line in the fourth, which is of course time, and you stay at fixed point in the fifth, which is apparently the first fundamental of probability.

That doesn’t really mean a whole lot…or does it?

Dimensions, universes, parallel planes…many people use this words to all describe the same or similar things…but does anyone really know what they are? Do they UNDERSTAND these concepts? Or do they merely recite what they hear…is it possible to truly UNDERSTAND something?

(P.S. Statistics show that the most commonly shoplifted book in the United States is the Bible. Seriously.)

Okay, forget all of you.

New question:
Assume nothing matters. What do you do? Do you live, or die?
If nothing matters, then it doesn’t make sense to actually DO something, and kill yourself.
But on the other hand, there’s no point in living. You can’t do anything else, either, since it won’t matter.
Obviously, nothing is ethically reprehensible, since it doesn’t matter. Which makes it difficult to decide what to do.
Keep in mind you’re assuming nothing matters.

I beleive it because it makes SENSE, and supports previous conceptions I’ve had about existence. I mainly wanted to post it because it was interesting. Cool isn’t a good word.

Isn’t that part of the hitchhiker series? I found the first book to irritating to bother continuing it, but they did have some interesting theories.

Questions that question the questions we can’t answer are pointless.

Do we really exist?

It doesn’t matter really. We’ve got to many problems in the world that we see in front of us without asking for an alternate way out. It’d be nice to know those kind of things, but they really wont make a difference in what matters to humans in general.

I’m a bit confused here. What the hell does “nothing matters” mean?

How can nothing matter? If we exist, then our human desire to continue our existence makes it matter. If we didn’t have that desire, then we wouldn’t be ourselves, and we wouldn’t know what we would do because we wouldn’t be…us.

So then what is time? Say we’re following this path through the fourth dimension, which for us is apparently time:

According to that, time for us isn’t actually time, it’s just a dimension. We’re at different points in that dimension at different times, though, so it’s not time, it’s just a line of everything that has happened and will happen to us as time goes on.

Actually I believe it refers to the fact that we can only move forwards in time, not back or side to side.

Cool is a very good word, just not for describing what I was attempting to describe, although some could argue that it was the perfect word for that particular description.

Nothing is pointless. Everything is quite pointful. That is a fundamental fact of truth. No statement, no matter how irrelevant or illogical is entirely without a point.

Nothing DOES matter. I believe that its quite obvious that almost everyone will die, so what is the point in prolonging the inevitable? Why doesn’t everybody just give up and accept their fate? I see no logical reason for humans to continue existing. Everything that happens is meaningless, since in a few short years you humans will die and everything you accomplished won’t matter to you anymore.


(P.S. Mussolini avoided the Italian draft.)

Isn’t that sorta contradictory though. Isn’t that way time is?

Basically (according to the video), we’re only capable of seeing 2d crossections of time. We can only experience one section of time as it goes…at a time. If time travel is possible, then it’s not entirely unfeasable, but we would need a machine able to bend dimensions. Anyway, regardless of WHAT it is, we call it time, and even if we found it to be something else, I wouldn’t see a reason to refer to it as the 4th dimension.

Another link on String Theory, which is the proper name for what I was so un-educationally trying to describe earlier. String Theory Overview

Or, why not just give them the FULL lecture on String theory?

= ==The Elegant Universe== =

18 movies, 3 parts, 6 in each. Each video ranges from 7 to 8 minutes, don’t worry. They describe from the beginning of Einstein’s revolutionary theory of Gravity, to the idea of quantum mechanics, down to the conflictions between the two, and how they can be solved.

A brief:
When do you use General Relativity? When you are calculating gravitation. Where do you calculate Gravity? In a heavy mass such as the sun. When do you use Quantum Mechanics? When studying the nucleus of an atom, and its constituents. But in a black hole, where its mass is very heavy, but is small, do you use Quantum Mechanics, or General Relativity? Logically, you would want to use both. But a problem arises. Using both theories gives infinite, nonsense answers. And this is how the idea of String theory began.

EDIT: Axion, how did you come upon String Theory? Did you ever buy “The Elegant Universe”?

Strings and threads aside, isn’t it obvious that time travel is painfully simple? All humans need is something capable of penetrating the walls of universes…because really, when time is traveled, all someone is doing is traveling to a separate universe that is identical, but a few time cycles ahead or behind. It’s impossible to change the past not because of ridiculous paradoxes, but merely because if you “change” that past, all your doing is altering that dimensions future, not yours.

So really, “Time Travel” is impossible…but Universe Hopping is not. Humans just need some more…heh…time.

(P.S. We must travel to the future, so we can figure out how to solve the problems of the past, so that way the present doesn’t suck.)

I have two theories: the Theory of The Disappearing Pen: have you ever lost an object in your house, look everywhere, and then find it several days later. For instance, my DS has disappeared for two weeks, and I’ve looked everywhere for it. It’s going to reappear shortly, I’m sure :angry: .
The other is dreams: do you believe that it reflects your subconsiousness, and your desires? Do you believe that somebody can manipulate you through false memories? Or…
I read a disturbing book of people, on the brink of death, exiting their bodies and moving with their ‘spirits’. Other people, after NDE, go through a dark tunnel, at an end a light, and they meet people they knew or know. Do you think it is a trick of a mind deprived of oxygen, hallucinating, or a brief encounter with the next world?

But its not that simple.

We dont even know how alternate universes relate to each other. Even if SOMEHOW someone created a device capable of penetrating space time (if that’s even possible, since we dont even know the nature of space time), what would happen. Would our universe collapse into the hole? Where would the hole lead? To a void of emptiness, to whatever there was before the universe? To another universe? Which one? To another reality with different rules of matter, or whatevers over there.

You cant base theories on Sci Fi, you have to use science, and even there, you have very little but theory. So better to read up on string theory or something with some backbone to it.

Hmmm…being gone for a weekend and seeing this topic re-emerge, I think I’ll jump in at the subject at hand.

Time Travel=Impossible. It’s that simple.

Time Travel is impossible because of one simple idea: Time is a straight line, based on our current knowledge and perception of time. So time is a straight line, and anything and everything exists in that line. Now, if we were to build a so-called “Time Machine,” then that machine would have to exit the Timeline that everything exists in. Now, in order to do that, the machine would have to rip a hole in the timeline, because a line isn’t a line unless it isn’t broken.

So in order to exit the timeline, we would have to rip a hole in said line, as stated before. But in doing so, we would then break the timeline, because a line is only a line if it’s a continuous, unbroken line. But, if we were to break the timeline, then the timeline would then cease to be a line, thus no longer making it an actual line, which abruptly ends the timeline, which, again, is no longer a line, which in turn causes said timeline to no longer exist, which then in turn causes everything in said timeline to no longer exist, thus in turn destroys everything.

That’s why time travel hasn’t, doesn’t, won’t, and couldn’t exist ever. (Heh, a time machine won’t ever exist in time…)

But thats ALL based on the assumption that time is a straight line, We dont know the nature of time itself.

Theoretically, time travel is possible, but whst it would require IS possible. At leasystem the omly ways we can think of are.

Theoretically, We’d need a generstor the sizs of the solar system to creare time travel.