What section points out you can’t advertise your site? I don’t see it…
Be sure to read all parts of the rules, including the other topics.
Edit: And, to quote Dazzy…
This was from a long time ago, so I wouldn’t say that right now there have been way too many of these, but the common sense part counts.
Ah there was another rules topic…Well sorry for the advertising it won’t happen again.
Stupid two rules topics. I fixed it, now we have a clause about ads here too.
It’s a pity no one will read it anyway…
especially with all the new joiners… spamming like theres no tomorrow.
i read through the whole thing… wasnt too much torture
I think flaming is stupid with a capital s-t-u-p-i-d.
Y’know, that’s borderline spam. Spam is equally stupid.
Especially in, y’know, the RULES topic.
Just out of curiosity, but how the hell does that contribute to the conversation anyway. Nobody has talked about for flamiong for the last 6-7 posts or so.
??? Anyway, mabye when you first log in, it should take you to the rules page, if that’s possible.
what is the difference between mini-modding and contributing to the forums by pointing out another’s mistake?
The former is done by users. The latter is done by staff.
Points to report button
Has anybody ever even used that thing? Not since I’ve been a mod…
There lies your answer to the mini-modding problem.
Wow. I forgot all about that.
What’s with people spamming in the rules topic lately? -___-
Plus your sig is nearly 5 times the limit.
Irony’s a bitch, isn’t it?
whoa! theres a report button!?!? i never noticed that >.>
reports every person on the forums oops… it was an accident!
My intelligence has been insulted.
Haven’t seen you in a while.