I could get sounds from the mechassault pulse laser but its up to you.
EDIT: I added beam shots. And got a new high score in the demo:233. The highest possible score is 240 or 250 i dont know yet. Ehhh, DH, do you want 3 levels for the charge shots as well or just one?
that was when i had just posted that my game had been corrupted, and that i would be starting over. you were just the only person on at the time that has been to my topic,
so i pmed you. Just delete the pm. Wow! all these people wanting to help now! this is great! ok, ill try to respond to evryone.
um, did you use the ref i gave you? Cuz that dont look like the ref i gave you at all. sorry. And, the wings look really F’d up. try and find an assault ref.
looks good so far, im worried about the wing though, it looks a bit small. maybe it will be better when your more finished.
those are real good, but i think they are a little too , um, fat? something like that.
look at the ones i had in my demo, they should be about that size.
well, mostly for bosses. My current boss as you can see, moves on a path up and
down, and shoots two different weapons on different alarms. well, id like it to be more like the real starfox games, where the bosses have some sort of weak spot
hat opens when youve hit the boss enough. or just opens on an alarm. I can do that myself, but i figured it woul save me time if i had help. I guess the main AI id like you to work on is for the enemy to slightly try to avoid the players shots. So if you
can try to come up with ideas for that, that would be great. Ill let you know when i think of something else. Ill need you more when i do the ground enemies, yes, you
will be able to walk on the ground too! - more details later -
to everyone else, I will be going on vacation next weekend, and will be gone for one week. So i am going to try to get my engine remade by hopefully this Sun. Then i can start on the new demo which will be the full first level of Star Fox Assault. It will
also hopefully include these new features:
joypad support (possible)
custom controls (not likely, but possible)
new sprites (depending on what you guys make)
small things like screen fade, cutscenes, better enemy AI, ect.
I have some small bad news, my gamecube is not working for the moment
so i will have no way of making the game accurate. If there is someone with the game that would like to help with translation, that would be great. I can remeber most of the game and what happens where, but ill need someone with the game to help tell me when something isnt accurate. Also, there arent many refs on google
for star fox assault so if someone is willing to take screenshots, or knows a better
place to find refs, let me know. I think thats all for now. So keep up the good work
on the sprites and such. Good Day.
Until now, actually, I wasn’t aware that there were different versions of the Arwing, so when I found a wireframe view from the side(which my sprite resembles quite well, actually) I was very happy. I’ll go back and see if I can fix it up to look more like the Assault Arwing; unfortunately, there are very few, if any, images of the Arwing in a profile view, which is what I need to create an accurate sprite.
sorry i didnt answer. Those are awsome! But im afraid they need to be thinner still.
I already have sounds so no i dont need any. And the levels of shots will be:
green (normal)
blue (1st upgrade)
purple (2nd upgrade)
red (charged)
so no, i only want red for the charged as that is how it is in game, so ill use your old red beam as the charged ok? Thanks for making those but they are just to fat ingame. they need to be about a half inch long and 5 or 6 pix. thick. im sorry its just thats the way they are in the real game. your old red beam is perfect for the charge beam. Since the beams need to be so thin, they probably wont take long, so i have something else you can work on. The charged beam while its still charging. (still on the ship) make it go from small to big, and then when its fully charged, make it get slightly smaller and bigger. if you know what i mean.
Awsome!!! they are perfect. im going to stick them in the game right now! That bomb is good too, butcan you make some frames for it? make it get smaller and larger. About 4-5 frames. dont worry about the explosion. like P2D, all effects will be programmed.
Hear that everyone? ALL EFFECTS WILL BE PROGRAMMED. now hopfully no one will make effects.
EDIT- those orange ones can be shots for some of the enemies. Thanks for your help.
Would you like your real name or your username in the credits?
I can only go off Lylat Wars, but the shots in Lylat Wars were rounder towards the end and got smaller towards the back. Like the first set of sprites Czar did except those were too fat, I think a combonation of those sprites and the first ones he did would be better. But, again, I havent played SF Assault, so I probably shouldnt say anything.
btw: You can program the growing/shrinking of a sprite manually too you know.
I’ll post a sample of what I mean when I get home … the first ones you posted were too fat, but I think the new “thin ones” should follow the same sloping pattern as your first ones. Just not be any bigger.