It’s a FPS that allows you to change the levels in any way at any time, more or less. Plus it’s free!
It’s a FPS that allows you to change the levels in any way at any time, more or less. Plus it’s free!
Lol, some friend of mine used to have endless fun with that in the PC Room of our school… He even ended up doing a weird RPG with it, and the town was huge o_o
Did you hear of the guy who started recreating NY with Sauerbraten?
Possibly related to Liksmaskaren? I’m thinking they’re second cousins…
Me showing off basic editing. I would have done more, but the video was already pushing a gig…Be sure to watch in full screen!
It won’t let me fucking download, perhaps its because I’m unfamiliar with that hosting site but I can’t get it.
I like this game.
It’s way too fast paced though, so in Single Player I set the game speed to 45%, that feels about right.
My username is “Yeil”.
sounds like a fun concept… someone will make a lot of money off of this (me MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA) jk jk
if anyone has played the KZ maps in counter strike or sven co op thats what i’d be interested in making…
If somebody would be kind and post a link to Sauerbraten.bat, which is found in Program Files\Sauerbraten, I would be very happy. Somehow it got deleted lol.