the next demo will have multiple beams!!!
the next demo will have boms!!!
the next demo will have missiles!!!
the next demo will have health!!!
the next demo will have a secret…
This engine is too simple right now to post any glitches for. Try spending more time on it so we aren’t overwhelmed with having to point out all the missing features.
I did get into a SW on the left, and got close to getting over the right edge, though.
Its actually pretty good for being made in three days, unless you actually worked on
it for 24 hrs each day. In which case I would be clueless as to how it took you that
long. But anyway, I recall you wanted some help over at GMC the one day,
I wasnt able to get back to you for some reason. But I decided to go ahead and make one of my own
And I think I did a pretty good job as far as glitches go, (there are still glitches though)
I think the biggest problem with this engine right now is that I…well I sorta…kinda…
I used MP2Ds stuff! There I said it, yeah Im ashamed smacks self in face. But I just didnt have any other sprites at the time and I didnt feel like scowering the internet that very moment for sprites that arent anywhere near as good quality as these are. I DO
plan o changeing then just as soon as I can (hopefully befor I get Banned from P2D)
Well, that probably wasnt a good enough exuse, Mods, ban me if you must, but the fan
of P2D INSIDE ME WILL NOT DIE!!! Well, heres my engine:
hey everyone, im updating the engine right now, i am sending the engine to ed for colllision detection, while he fixes that, i will work on other abilities (walljump, and ledges today)