An old OLD OLDOLDOLOLDOLDODLLDOLDOLOLD Project of mine, that makes me puke.…prites/RUST.png Now don’t ever mention it.
Captain Picard in Jump SuperStars Style:…ites/picard.png
Ratchet and Quark in Sonic Advance Style:…tes/Ratchet.png
There was a few guys who were making a MUGEN game and they needed a style so I made this, both the sprite and the game were dropped…
8-Chibit People:
Some characters of mine -and a few others, including friend’s characters- in a sprite style my friend made. 8-Chibit. From left to right, Kakashi, Toad, Keiko and I, Sol Badguy, Silver, some guy, a militant person, and the floating heads of Itachi, Ang, guy from an rpg, and the Noise.
My 8chibit sheet:…tchibiwip10.png
It’s incomplete because 8chibit died. D:
Attempt at irl me:
failed hard.
Unoficial Luminous Reaver Emblem:
Custom Style I made:
It didn’t live long enough to be named.
RMZ Dante:
Everyone swore it was an edit. It’s not.
Luminous Reaver the Attourney:
I like this one.
Reaver in Guilty Gear X style:
and some in progress pics:…everggxwip1.png…everggxwip2.png…everggxwip3.png…everggxwip4.png
I was bored.
Next Gen Sonic:
A nice idea in theory, but it died because of the sonic haters where I come from. It’s pretty old…
brb, updating sheets and hosting them I got a little more.
k back.
100+ emoticons I made:
I only like four or five.
A friend’s character in the style for the MUGEN game that never was…
Master Swords:
imo, the best selective outlining I’ve done.
Monster Hunter Reaver:
Monster Hunter is a game for the ps2, it’s almost as high on my lisft of awesome as Final Fantasy VII. It’s a great game that needed fanworship, so I did what I could.
I love these sprites.
Mario and Luigi styled Vash:
Mario Peach and Waluigi are NOT mine. Waluigi belongs to Starpower, a friend of mine, who said the original vash was too small.
Pkmn Trainer Reaver:
and his Pokemon.
Reaver punching something in some other custom style:
The last thing I could find on my compy… I have a few more pixel doodles somewhere, but these are the important ones…
And FINALY, the reason I’m here. (At a Metroid forum I mean)
I have this idea of mine, a big one, that I’ll probably never finish… (I mean, geez, look at the odds, how much of my studd IS finished XP )
It’s a solo project, where I’ll be spriting all of the Metroid Universe. That’s everywhere from the BSL reserch station, to Zebes, to SR-388, ect.
I haven’t even gotten Samus done, but here’s an idea of what it’ll eventualy look like:
and some HUDS:…rites/cbvis.png…rites/tmvis.png…rites/snvis.png
I will finish eventualy and stuff. But I’m never gonna quit.