Project Prime

What should I do with Project Prime?

  • Kill it.
  • Go on with the secret project I mentioned.
  • Screw the secret project and continue with original plan.
0 voters

So due to the uproar… I want to know what you want.

Note, however, that if I continue in Project Prime, I will be taking a bit more liberty and injecting my own style, as that was the reason for me going to a different project. We have a great engine, and I wanted to use it.

So vote.

Considering that I honestly don’t give a shit about your secret project, but love the stuff you’ve done on Project Prime so far, I chose the last option.

I want to see Project Prime, not some mystery project.

…you’re asking us to vote for something we have no information about

I’m voting for all 3 because idc

I don’t really care what you do, but if you keep going on with this stupid, “want to be official so everything is secret” garbage, you’ve lost me as a fan of your mod. One thing I really can’t stand in the fangaming world is when people act like Nintendo is making the game and keep all progress locked away. It’s almost as if you’re saying, “Fuck you, my game is too good for you to see. Deal with it.” This is also why I lost all hope for MetEngine as well. Keep it up and I bet you’re going to lost lots of fans.

I voted because I figured it out. Secret project. Make project prime afterwards if you want or can.
And Dragon it’s not like that at all, so hush.

Dragon, that is why I made this topic.

New option. Put (4) in your post if you want the ‘secret project’ to be announced. :confused:

I wasn’t trying to be a jerk, I just wanted the actual thing itself to be a surprise. :cry:

(i voted)

also i deleted a lot of my (4)s so this post wouldn’t be TOO spammy

my vote

if you triple what me and syntax put for (4)s you have my original spam post xD

but this post:

is just as spammy. i voted for the two that contradicted eachother.

Fine, I’ll tell you the secret thing:

hguoht emirP ro siht od ot rehtaew wonk t’nod I .looc s’tI .enigneyrc ni enod gnieb DAERD :diorteM s’tI (Reverse that to get the message, google ‘text reverser’)


You know, I had sorta figured that out by the “hint” you gave in the actual Project Prime topic, and to be honest, fuck that.

I’d much rather be able to play Prime in the Cryengine.

I am, however, glad that you didn’t intentionally come off as an asshole.

who needs fucking text reversers i could read that without one

my vote goes for project prime

Yeah, Project Prime.

Here’s a quick runthrough of the differences between the two:
In daerD, you’d have to do 100% of the level design and weapons and such.
In Prime, you’d have to do 0%.

Unless you think your level design skills outstrip Retro’s, I think you’d better go with the one that’s less work and more likely to actually get anywhere near done.

Man, I see you’re totally unsure about your project! I vote for 3 because you better make the original project and then make some additions like this secret.
P.S.: I suspect you will not be able to finish any of the projects but: I can be wrong if you think of the project well. Cheers, man, I hope you can make it! :smiley:

he already decided to go with project prime >_>

I loved Prime, and Dread is going to be made, so we should be working on Prime. Dread isn’t done. Prime is. We can improve it. Shouldn’t take as much time as making your own levels, models, game, story that fits, gameplay changes (something changes every game) ect. Leave that to Nintendo. Not us. We should re-do prime.


It’s always been easier to change something that exists rather than to start something from scratch(weather it’s spriting, gamemaking or school work…>.>).PLUS if you already started Project : Prime why would you cancel that to make something that is being worked on(I think I’m not sure) by Nintendo… :wink:

fades away into the eternal darkness

Somebody lock this, it’s already been settled.