Just finished Ep2, they just have to leave us hanging don’t they >_<. Good marketing strategy though, that game was surreal.

I’m talking about Portal, not HL2 <_<

Meh, a box of oranges is a box of oranges, I suppose.

You realize that the plots are related, but we won’t know how till the next release.

The plots are related? Since when?

Also, I bet money that one of the HL2 games will have a portal gun.

Scroll down to “Aperture Science, Inc.”

Since anyone has played EP2 through >_>
And yes I’d bet on the portal gun coming into the next release too.

Not quite the same as HL2 w/ portal gun, but very nice just the same. Works, too, with few bugs.

Most have seen this but…


i only got about half of that because i don’t actually have portal.

Then why are you posting here =/

I… don’t know.

Heh, that was cool.
Just imagine that on a monitor outside Aperture at the end. That’d be pretty neat. <_<

i got the orange box about a couple weeks ago. portal and ep 2 weren’t working so i had to troubleshoot until they did and may i say this is a great game!

and yes, it is very very short and i was so disappointed that it didn’t last longer :frowning:

hopefully there will be a large enough community of map makers for this game to keep adding new custom maps and such!

if you listen to the “commentary nodes” throughout the game when commentary mode is enabled, you’ll learn through 1 of them that black mesa and aperture science are rival companies. Also, the victory credit song mentions black mesa as if the plots are connected.

Maybe black mesa. THAT WAS A JOKE. HAHA. FAT CHANCE.

Yes, in ep2, aperture is mentioned quite a bit. They’ve got something important.

But yes, portal is damn great. (Also, try putting all your HL2 maps in there ^_^)

So, I went and played rockband at my girlfriend’s house…
Turns out the April Fools Day download was I’m Still Alive, or the credits song for Portal. Frickin’ hilarious.
I challenge everyone to sing it in the same pitch as it is played.

I did that into a mic once…

It sounded so awful I couldn’t bring myself to save it.

lol… pretty much the same when I tried.
…'cept Rock Band said my tone was good.

Edit: Just received and played through portal within three hours :wink:

Fun frickin’ game. It kinda makes me want to get the portal gun into GMod and Counterstrike.

I just got the orange box for the 360 and beat Portal in 1.5 hours

the most hysterical 1.5 hours of my life

1.5 first time?
Dang, you’re good.