hi im making a metroid fangame which even i have to admit will be rubbish. i am terrible at spriting and the only ones i have so far are ones ive ripped. is anyone here good at backgrounds please coz if i try to do it it will look nothing like metroid
Try again.
oh sorry didnt realise
Its okay man, I wasnt trying to bash you.
Just be a bit more clear on what you are trying to say and what the whole goal of your … topic is. I am guessing you want to make a fangame. You need to post story and ideas, maybe some stuff you have done on it all ready … ect ect.
kk but can u do 1 thing for me i dont know why but my game maker must be broke or something coz i cant add an actions for when i click or press a button the options just not there
Click and drag the action Drag It into the white
no none of the actions appear and when i load it up it says “action library cannot be found”
does that mean i need to download it again?
EDIT: YAY i fixed it! now i can put actions in again i just re downloaded it i must have done it wrong last time