Fricking awesome game. I’m hooked.
It’s also easily customized… who’s in for generating an P2D texture pack for it? It’s all 16x16 textures, so it’s more of a spriting thing then texturing.
I think the simple style of Wind Waker would work good for such a project, or we could do a Metroid type thing.
I’ve been playing the shit out of this game for weeks.
Funny you mention minecraft. I used to play that game a lot a few months ago.
October 13, 2010, 12:16pm
Were you playing the Classic version?
Ok, let’s get this thing done!
What style shall we go for?
with the monsters
and the mine carts
and everything
I downloaded and massively edited a texture pack a while ago.
But we should do a new one.
October 14, 2010, 12:26am
Yes, let’s. Style opinions?
I vote we go with Wind Waker.
You on 7 or something? Noice. I just got a really crappy PC myself, and let me say, it’s nice to be able to run things now. It really is.
November 15, 2010, 4:37am
Ok, I say we revisit the skin idea. Let’s do VR (virtual reality) or Tron, or some blend of the 2.
Anyone else wanna help?
Also, I say we use 32x textures for VR, and/or 64/128 for Tron, for the sake of making it look good.
November 15, 2010, 5:14am
Zurginator @ Nov 14 2010:
Ok, I say we revisit the skin idea. Let’s do VR (virtual reality) or Tron, or some blend of the 2.
Anyone else wanna help?
Also, I say we use 32x textures for VR, and/or 64/128 for Tron, for the sake of making it look good.
VR? Examples?
Vectoring, primarily:
I think the style would work well… with some tweaks, of course.
Edit: spent ~5 minutes hammering out a concept for it (yes I’m aware it sucks… royally):
After seeing that though (16x16) I think maybe we should go with 128 for the Vector, just to get the thin lines in.
i feel like reviving the idea of doing a texture pack
who’s up for it?
heres the full pack of resources
December 22, 2010, 1:05am
I am. We need a solid idea and what size of textures we’re gonna do.
definitely not the normal texture size
maybe 32x32 or 64x64
too big would require a lot of time + detail
i think we should think of a theme first, hummm…
what about Amnesia?
oops, its huge
December 22, 2010, 1:20am
Hell of a game. Haven’t gotten around to trying to make any textures yet, but I do have this skin I made:
What else would it be?
Also, my castle: http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/9505/castlev.png
God, I love Minecraft. I’m running a SMP server if anyone here is interested in joining; PM for IP.
then check your PMs lawl
also, my skin is Deadpool =D
i made a Hunter skin, L4D
but i like being Deadpool xD
December 22, 2010, 1:30am
Going to make a Cecil and Kain set next.
Tried making a Fusion/OtherM pirate… that didn’t go so well.
You do it by hand or with the skin editor program? Damn handy tool.