Death, methinks. He doesn’t have metroid dna. Maybe that could be one of the obtainable items.
I have always had problems with room transitions … eg. And I cant get my map/radar to work just right in my game …
What happened to the old room? You should also change the “Story.”
when are the new demo out?
add portals that would maybe add to the puzzles like you can go into diffrent dimmensions and have like 3 dimmensions the normal dimmension the gravity dimmension and the mior dimmension.
i know its sort of copying echoes but i loved echoes going from portal to portal it was trully awsome, and i would just like to relive that expirence of going through portals.
Hey, that isn’t a bad engine! It could use some tweaking, but man I wish I had that…
lol wtf?try pressing control and shift
Does that mean anything? And yes I saw it…
It took waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long.
meh, adding portals would require me to think more
oh and i left in that control thing by accident, i was err… testing something and forgot to take it out
and um… i haven’t really being paying much attention lately since i’m missing a vital piece of information which is i don’t know the distance in pixels it takes for samus to run from one side of a square on the map to the other
And thinking is bad?
when there is a lot of it, yes. yes it is
i would need to fit it in the storyline somehow,
i would need to think about the level design more than i do now since i would have to think about if the way it was designed would work in both dimensions
and excessive thinking literally makes my brain hurt and i would like to avoid the pain
i can help with the level design all i need it some themes and you got a map
He means like fire, ice, or wilderness areas
like that like say part of this area was lush as brinstar but insert bad thing here caused part of insert area’s name hereto be a barren wasteland
Hmm, sounds too similar to Aether’s Agon Wastes…
i was thinking of my yard,due to the crazy man that mows my lawn started “fertilizing” it
and it killed some of the grass