Metroid: Assault

One step at a time Gold, one step at a time… :laughing:

Sorry, assault was skipped in my vocab. Anyways I remade the plot:

Oooh! Now it sounds fun ^^

Ahh thank you. This is going to have a few things included too. And I’m using the Fusion suit sprites for this. It will take time for me to recolor all of them.

You could use GM for the recolor… there’s this option where the color assigned to the left button is replaced with the color assigned to the right mouse button.

So you could load the whole sprite sheet in GM and recolor, do it sprite-by-sprite, or use some other way that’s probably inefficient ^^

EDIT: It’s the 2nd button from the top on the left. It’s a blue box with a red box next to it and a red arrow going through the blue box. The button 4th from the top on the left side, looks like an eyedropper. You can use that to assign the color from the sprite to the left/right mouse button

Thanks then.

You’re welcome (still wondering why planned games are getting more attention than games with a demo)

Probrably because they need more work?

Anyways I have some Assault stuff I wanna show you guyz(I substituted hp for energy):

That is just the equipment. I have also got the ground layout of the Metroid Allies. But that’ll have to wait. :wink:

Oh yeah there will be bonus costumes (I hope) and cheats!