This is a discussion about the newest Wii Gore-fest, Mad world.
In case you haven’t heard bout it, You are Jack, and your purpose is annihilation. He has a Chainsaw arm, and most environmental objects can be used to kill.
Pics (MATURE CONTENT!!!) Mature Pic 1 Mature Pic 2 Mature Pic 3 Mature Pic 4
End Mature Content.
First discussion topic: Graphic style.
Black, White, and Red. Comic book style.
I personally think it is awesome. what are your opinions?
Yum. That’s really a quite nice graphical style, though I hope they focus less on mindless killing, and more on making use of the possible character of the game.
all around me are familiar faces
worn out places, worn out faces
bright and early for the daily races
going no where, going no where
EDIT: PY, it looks like it’s gonna be pretty focused on mindless killing if you ask me.
I think this one looks solid, I hope that the game actually works, unlike all those gimmicky shit piles that the third party has bored us with thus far.