Hey, mostly was just wondering if we have an IRC server up. And if we do, how would I get to it? (Yes, I’m still a leetle nublet when it comes to mIRC.)
Also, is there any place for a feedback forum - not for the game but for the forum/site? Could help cut down on questions about php tags in the areas devoted to the game. Also, the main page has been glitchy a couple times I’ve tried to load it and I’ve changed nothing in the way of internet settings since it worked the last time.
Yeah, I really just want a proper place to put a re-written how-to topic.
I <3 the noobs, I can’t help it.
Final question, who’s keeping the page online at the moment and how might I send support to help keep it running?
i don’t think we have an irc server, there’s a channel on espernet though. #samus.co.uk
some of the people here are there.
to get there: connect to espernet, dream.esper.net for example, then type /join #samus.co.uk
shouldn’t be too hard. if mirc is newly installed you might get a connect pop-up when you start, just select espernet in that list.