Infinity's Art

you were supposed to include the space around it, silly.

Har har, Liks >_>

The idea is that you can see the shape of the event horizon, and the curvature of light around it.

EDIT: PY beat me to it. I dunno why I let that post sit for 40 minutes, but there you go.


And your version of a black hole -according to science- would be big enough that if it were near Saturn, Earth would be experiencing incredible quakes.
So… Yeah, I’m not incredibly accurate.

It’s 10 solar masses, so I imagine it would be doing more than quaking the Earth… but the point is, your black hole looks like a black planet, not a black hole.

I’ll play around with black holes another time.

I’ve been using the Wacom tablet I got for Christmas, this must be what love feels like.
I’m not very good at drawing, but the tablet helps because I can use photoshop tools while drawing and make everything look decent.…5001eeee0c7.png

It’s so incredibly childish but I love it to bits.

I REALLLY want one of those tablets…:frowning:

And that’s kinda interesting lol.

So adorable <3

So yeah, I’ll post my music in here too.
Here’s a cave story mix I’ve been playing with for a while.
Criticisms welcome.…IP__by_Yeil.mp3

And here’s the other song.
Fashionably dead!…ead_by_Yeil.mp3

You’re friends with DeProgrammer? He had me listen to that a while ago.

love the art. Gotta get me one o dems tablets…

New Song!
It doesn’t completely suck!

A remix.


Just listened to it. I’mma likin’ it a LOT. Who sung on it?

your mother haha

MOre like your sister, right after she slept with me. XDDD

…right after you slept with her and got Hepatitus C.

NO srsly, is it one of your friends? Cuz she can sing. And I was suspected to have Hep C for a while, but they figured out that it was Sub Acute Endocarditis.

It’s Madonna. He said it’s a remix >_>…nother_day.html

EDIT: TBH, Yeil, I don’t like how some parts sound really swung and others are right on beat.

Actually that might just be Flash sucking? But from 1:38 onwards sounds weird.

Yeah, 1:38 onward I got lazy because I had heard the song so many times.
I’ll fix it up and rerelease it in a week. Give my ears a break.