It’s create a super smash bros. styled game similar to the way MUGEN works (as in you can create your own custom stuff for the game)
So, are you making a game like this, or are you just giving out some idea so you can get people to make it for you?
a little from column a and a little from column b
i am thinking about making it, but i’m not so sure if i should
if i were to i’d need someone to handle the graphics and programming it in general
i’ve already begun planning, i’ve already finished some mockup hud graphics, i plan to tackle level loading next (i’ve chose 3ds as the format since it’s widely accepted)
here’s a badly done screenshot
Edit: Okay, the first double post was okay, it’d been a week or two, but this was only two days…
I dont get it…
What is it exactly?
a cube, 16 smilies and 4 circles with badly drawn text in them
or i guess you could call it the place where battles are held
here’s a screenshot from ssbm for comparison