I’d like to introduce the entirely pointless “Idlers” topic. This topic is for occasions when multiple people are on the forum, but none of them have a topic to post into. Thus, if they want to post somewhere, they post here.
I know it’s random, but at times like now when there’s 3 members on but they aren’t posting anything… shrug
I post shit all the time just cause I want to talk to people who happen to be online, but they’re not posting anywhere D:
Maybe we need like a shoutbox or something.
I used mIRC long before I knew anything about GM, although I’d be very rusty at its code/syntax now. But yeah, I didn’t know the forum had an IRC channel. Sorry about that x).
Relevant to IRC: If anyone has a DS flash cart, I know of a pretty good IRC client for DS .
Edit: Sure is a pretty inactive channel, or at least right now, considering the number of users in it. I guess people just join the channel, then idle?