Infact then I asked how tall he was, so that I could maybe try him.
HayIsForMooses: his gun seems to be the arm without a ball on it, but it has no hole or anything
HayIsForMooses: it looked like hell like the crystal on the top flipped out of place and the shots came out of where it once was
HayIsForMooses: O.o
HayIsForMooses: im gonna need to investigate that more later
HayIsForMooses: but for now, im done, lets just go with our usuals after getting my ass handed to me a few times
Luminous Reaver: How tall is Spire
Luminous Reaver: >__>
HayIsForMooses: …
Lol. I dissapear for a second, and people are already challenging daz. Anyhow, LITOJ did spirte in MF style, so i never had to get around to it.
Spire is the largest hunter, Kanden being second, though i’ve heard that Kanden is taller.
Lol. Im pretty sure i’m not as good as Reaver. I could win, but i probably wouldnt. I never go for major detail in MF style (other than my MP3 pirates, cuz in the end, they dont run like samus), because it’s a drag making a large heavily detailed sprite.
Anyway, I’m pretty sureyour lineart is about accurate.
I find it suprising the way you do your sprites. You perfect the lineart before you begin any shading. I dont see how you can be so patient. I usually do the basic lineart for the part of the body i’m starting on, and shade that first to see how it looks. Then, i go back and edit it as I go along. You way is definetly more effective, and results in a better shaped sprite in the end, but takes longer.
Anyhow, i think you were right about spires height. I was thinking weight, when I said Spire was first and Kanden was second (movement speed). Anyway, I’ll wait till your done before I decide what I think.