Y’know, it’s kinda odd that you guys favor Euphonium so much, cause that’s my tertiary instrument. As well, I play all of those on that list you made. (excluding The contrabass clarinet, I can’t play that because single reeds ruin my embochure.)
Oh yeah, and that sax is pretty badass.
To play or like, in general?
The answer to both is actually either guitar or piano, and I can’t choose between the two because they’re both amazing and have done so much for us musically throughout history. Playing a song on piano is a wonderful wonderful feeling (I only know like one though >_>), but the way a guitar is played is beautifully intricate and I love it.
I chose mine in the sense of playing, simply because I love my saxophone. I don’t own a tenor, but the alto I own is standard Cannonball brand, and it plays well enough.