**Build demo topic**

both. :smiley:


sorry. i meant that as a joke. i dont think that idea followed my post over though xD

I donā€™t understand. Both canā€™t be the anser. You must say yes, no or no, yes. As in P2d dying and lost hope or P2d has hope and is not dying at all. Please answer me.

Itā€™s certainly not dying. Work continues to get done in the Workplace, and Iā€™m expecting progress to get a boost in a week or two. (Team members reading this: Youā€™ll see. :>_>: )

When school starts? <_<

Will there EVER be a full game?

Iā€™m tempted to say ā€œnoā€ just because Iā€™m so goddamned sick of getting asked that question. How are we supposed to know? If it gets done, it gets done. We all want to see it finished. Weā€™ve all put a lot of work into it. We all also have lives.

My schoolā€™s already begun, and I think itā€™s really the schedule organization that makes us work more when schoolā€™s in session.



thats the topic thar =P

I think you misunderstood my reason for posting that.

this is the SECOND time iā€™ve had to headslap myself! why did you post that anyway?


the download link for 3.0 beta 4 is broken. sos if its come up i didnā€™t read every post.

All the old links are broken, because of a server move.
Check the site for the demo.

Errr, I couldnā€™t find any response to the 3.0 demo after searching back two pages, but here are some of what I thought after playing the demo:

The last demo (or the last one Iā€™ve played, where you had the limited time to get those two switches) was probably the best one. There was a couple of things I didnā€™t like about it, such as:

-The limited time for the two switches was extremely annoying. You didnā€™t give us an in-game heads-up, which made many think that the demo ended earlier than it actually did. This was actually pretty minor and I thought that the final demo would actually be great after playing this one.

-You didnā€™t encrypt the data file, which meant that everybody could get 1337 amount of missiles and complete it in -999999992 minutes

Again, those are minor things and I thought the final demo was going to rock. Then, 3.0 came out.

-While the actual Prime made switches that you scan kind of obvious, the only way I actually activated those three switches in the beginning during Demo 3.0 was from prior experience playing Metroid Prime. I doubt anybody who has no knowledge of Metroid would ever figure out to turn on their scan visors and scan.

-What is up with aiming down? In the original 2D Metroids, you could aim down by running forward, then hitting down. Letting go of left/right would make Samus crouch. In P2D, you donā€™t go to a crouch even if you let go of left/right, you just aimed down. I had the problem of trying to crouch and shoot at those Space pirates but kept aiming down because I was running a second ago.

-In normal 2D Metroids, you have to hold the button for a second or so before your beam starts to charge up. In P2D, you only have to hold down the button for half of a second. Shooting started to become a pain when I charged my beam instead of shooting normally like I wanted to. You could also fire an uncharged blast in all Metroids. In P2D, you had to fully charge a beam until you could fire it.

-Maybe Iā€™m lucky or something, but Iā€™ve never encountered a glitch (that is frustrating enough to post), yet in 3.0, I found that I couldnā€™t do anything after I went into the morph-ball switch and got shot out of it by a turret.

Hey DF I know itā€™s a shot in the dark but can you AT LEAST release the physics part of the game in gm6 form? Or is it so franken coded that it would take the lesser part of a year to make it run again?

Lori, you are just BEGGING to be banned. For christā€™s sake, how many times must we answer the exact same question from you, and why must it be in such a hateful tone? Weā€™re trying to get it done, and if it doesnā€™t get done, then we donā€™t KNOW that in advance.

Sorry! Please forgive me.

i was rolling into the map machine, then unmorphed just before i touched it, then samus was gone and the camera went over here. i could move the cameraā€™s view left and right, and shoot, but i couldnā€™t morph or anything else.

owned! :stuck_out_tongue: