so I’m trying to make a pause that takes a screen shot of the current room
adds it as a background
and applies it to the pause room
it also saves a temp file to keep the position of the game
but i doubt im using the background adding and all that right
if file_exists("temp.bmp"){
Doesn’t tell me much.
Don’t tell me much is terrible grammar.
Looks up the functions, and experiment.
Ignore CFX, he’s wrong this time.
What I do is draw the screen onto a surface in a persistant object, go to a new room, draw that surface plus any ui you want, then go back to your previous room. Simple, eh?
CFX is right, in a language where you have access to outside the game loop, in GM, you do not.
In GM, the sheer quantity of ifs would be inefficient, and seriously time consuming.