It’s been a long time since I last posted on this board. Last time I used an old elevator sprite I had from way back in the day, and I used it a long time ago on an old game I don’t even have anymore (heh), and I apologize for this previous misunderstanding.
Moving on~
Active Assaults 2D is a 2 Dimensional reflection of our 3D game project (A series of four games). Active Assaults 2D is, in a way, a short version of all four 3D games put together before they are released.
Now you might be wondering what Active Assaults is. The Active Assaults universe rests on three planets in the Shezucan Solar System of the Milky Way 4,000+ years in the future from now. Most of its inhabitants are anthro, called Shezucans. Shezucans are anthropomorphic creatures taking on very similar traits that of humans. They walk, talk, and live like humans, but they have fur, the head of a canine or feline, paws, and tails like that of other mammals such as wolves or cheetahs.
This race is similar to the ones in StarFox, but much more complex and more mature-related. The story line and plot are a lot more realistic, and the characters are more real than ever before in an anthro-based video game.
Active Assaults 2D is broken down into separate sections, which are called chapters. Each chapter is a separate released game, but don’t already judge the seemingly-short timeline of these games. Each chapter is very long, long thought, and created by the utmost creativity we produce as a team (iRaph Studios). When each chapter is released, you may download them from our website,
This discussion is mainly critique for our first up-coming beta test for the first chapter of the AA2D series. The beta will not be released until later this month, but we would like your opinion on our demo we released awhile back (; your comments and questions are highly and respectively valued. Please give us some feedback!
Thanks guys~
~Raphial Hebert