I love the Wolverine. Great pose, accurate as far as I can remember, well contoured…
But the Hulk’s face looks really, really crappy for some reason. Looks like he’s trying to imitate a horse with that mouth of his. And the arm muscle lines are pretty confusing in places…
(First pic)
I like Wolverine, but his right leg feels strange. Maybe it’s too small.
Hulk is a monster, and if you have followed the series, then you would know that he have had at least three different looks. Yours is one of the better. You choose a difficult pose for the head, but it works. It could have been done better, but there’s no need to fix it since he is a monster and should’nt look like a human.
(Second pic)
You should always follow the rules when you draw the human body. When the anatomy is right, you can start to make those gigant muscles.
The heads need some fixing, they look flat. Try to make them more three dimensional with darker shadows. The paper is white so there is no need for highlightnings.
I use to make my pencildrawings with ink, and I try to only draw the shadows. It gives a nice contrast, like in your first image.
But that’s just some minor fixing. Like I said before; You’re good. >
Tim, I think if you practice enough, you’ll become better at drawing. I’ve become a better artist in the last year than I ever had in my entire life, and I think practice to to blame. Studying other people’s techniques helps as well.
As for the hair thing, you are correct. I originally wanted him to be looking perfectly forward, but I couldn’t set his boundaries because of Kitty’s hand. <__< Thus accidently making his chin too wide. The best thing I could do was add to his hairline, but I couldn’t fix the shading on his hair. =P
The trouble is, I haven’t got the patience to practice… That’s why you don’t see my own sprite thread; I can’t take enough time out of my oh-so-busy ( ) schedule to draw sprites.
I think practicing for a year is a pretty big accomplishment in itself
All you really need is about a few hours of free time every week.
More X-Men stuff from me. Quite in fact, most of the stuff you’ll see from me will be X-Men, or at least something Marvel. Any requests in that area are more than welcome.
very nice drawing, I’m not expert on X-Men do cyclops’ right should muscle seens deflated, or at least not symmetrical with his other shoulder muscle (cant remember the medical name for it) and it looks to me like someone punched a giant for lack of a better term bent in his chest, is it suppost to be like that?
That’s a very good drawing… except for the proportions in her. If you moved her eyes to be more symmetrical, better lined up, closer to the nose, and gave her a less manly shaped body, it’d be perfect
Those things kinda kill it, though. I definitely like your other drawings more.
Her bra flows into her skin…
Which is hot, but looks weird.
I really like that drawing, though! I think it might be the best of the ones you’ve put up so far
Funnily enough, though, her little circlet is off center just like colossus’s hair was >_>
That’s the most serious flaw I can find
Actually, I just looked a bit more, and I noticed that her ankle… the one that you can see, it’s bent backwards at an unnatural angle. It’s kinda gross