yeah, but if everyone is a penguin, it will get old, lol.
yeah im ditching the penguin thing now.
now its red frame astray gundam =)
Meh, I’m keeping mine. It took a lot of work and it just plain looks awesome. >_> Even if the mafia dies, I love this thing. xD
well mine sorta sucked…yours didn’t…besides i like my new avatar more…and what do you mean “penguin mafia dies” its probably gonna be dragged into more forums
Lol, he’s right. The mafia may die here, but it’ll spread like AIDS to other forums.
see i’d keep a penguin as a avatar if i could make a decent gundam one…but if you look a few posts back you’ll see improvement…but not nearly enough
meh, im happy, i have not yet been corrupted by the penguin mafia, and am pure in that sense…
…yeah…thats the ony good thing about me i can really say…
lol, sorry
anways, i am sure it will move to other forums with people who can sprite, an people who will just use other’s sprites.
pretty soon someone will come in here and be like “you fucking noobs, it was ours first, you stole it, its old anyways! you fcking un L33teh noobies!!”
goddamn people on runescape suck, lol, my friend likes it for some reason (do not make a post about this)
penguin avatars will not spread like aids, aids isn’t easy to spread…
it will spread like smallpox…
and kill like ebola…
wait…too far, sorry.
you said don’t make a post about it but ya…it’s funny you said that i used to be obsessed with that game
everyone on there sucks man!
lol i just quit the game because…
1.the membership wasn’t worth it (i had the payed one)
2.everyone on that game was immature
3.everyone rips people off
4.the word “noob” is said 634798534789453789145389751478 every minute on that game
5.its really repedative
now back on topic…penguins.
you will find out about penguins.
ive just noticed dazzys penguin is a space pirate COOL!
Ahhhh smax head
The antennae. I missed them. But why doesnt it have a GAC?? It’s holding a weird pistol.
i made a croc hunter penguin !…006/penguin.png
i think it looks like a penguin with a raincoat… what do you think i should add to make it more ‘deserty’?
I like penguins
ninja penguin? cool =)
well, Not cute but Cool