Hey Dazzy. Thank you very much 
About the Metroids though, a lot of the Metroids evolution chart is debatable. This is mostly from what I can understand…
I think the Phazon Metroids are Metroid Eggs from Tallon IV infused with Phazon, which seems to make more sense because it will hatch to be a Miniroid, (which is why it would resemble an Infant Tallon Meroid), and the Miniroid would then grow into a Phazon Metroid, and somewhere along the lines gets turned into a Hopper Metroid. I don’t think it’s a mutated Tallon Metroid because that’s the how you result in Fission Metroids. I think Metroids grown on Tallon are Tallon Metroids, and since they can’t evolve properly there, they grow into Hunter Metroids.
I’m going to list the Metroid Hatcher as a heavily mutated breed of Hunter, because it was never specified how a Hatcher was formed either, and they both have similar shapes and tentacles.
The red Tallon Metroids I believe are a result of Infant Tallon Metroids being transported to Aether before they have the opportunity to evolve into Hunters. They turn red when they become Hunters anyway, so they just grow with a red membrane because their evolution gets all screwed up yet again from being
exposed to another environment.
I’m going to list Prime as an evolution of a Hopper Metroid, because of two things. Firstly, they look similar, look at the pointy head and the legs. Secondly, there were shells of Prime’s Exo form all over the Genesis Chamber on Phaaze. They were either “skins” shed by Metroid Prime, or there were more Primes on Phaaze who’s Core forms had hatched from their Exoskeletons and were floating around elsewhere on the planet when Samus was there. There were also Hopper Metroids on Phaaze, so I’m just listing it as such. Metroid Prime’s origins (and how Metroids are on Phaaze in the first place) are such a mystery which is why I love the Trilogy. So many things still leave you wondering :3
The Mochtroids were indeed a result of cloning the Baby, but I didn’t want to list specific individual metroids on here, just the evolution possibilities.
Anyway, here’s an update. A lot of palette changes, and some changes in the shading.
Phlake and Zurg what do you think now? I mostly did what you both suggested. And Daz what do you mean about the hand posture?