*****Official Sig/Avatar topic*****

…What is it?

uuh it’s just a screenshot from flash’s timeline…


Whoa SXL, your sig and avatar are HAWT.

Just need to see if my avatar works, I’ve been having problems with it like corruption… :neutral_face:

(It is indefinately not done)

EDIT: Nope :stuck_out_tongue: sorry about that

Does anyone know why my one GIF won’t repeat itself? (not the one now) It was a standard GIF with each image but it stopped after its first run. I know this sounds idiotic and if its for a stupid reason, everyone has the right to laugh at me. lol

What GIF?

Come on, admit it. Starcraft is godlike, zerglings are sexy, and my sig/av set does them both justice.

>_> Okay, so the set probably doesn’t, but the rest is still true. :smiley:

Very red. Who’s that thing in the avvy? And the sig but he’s the only thing in the avvy.

Oops, sorry about that odd reply. My GIF was a pic of samus running from my new “in-progress” fangame. It did the frames and stopped (didn’t loop)

“It’s a zerglin’, Lester! Smaller type o’ zerg… 'course, they wouldn’t be out this far unles… Oh. Shit.” “ROAAAAAR!!!” “… I love you, Sarge.”


Sorry. I typed those first few words and had to finish teh quote. XD

… Why the hell do I have that memorized?

He’s had that on MSN for a long time >_> so it’s not like he made a crappy one for the forum… :stuck_out_tongue:

Simple, you can remember that quote because it was one of the best parts in the game :stuck_out_tongue:

“Hey, look out!”
“Sweet rover!”
“I think you mashed some poor feller’s dog sarge…”

Then yours…

Sounds like something from RvB.

It was a spawn of boredom. I’m not calling it a good avatar but it’s a good placeholder.

Edit: If we keep quoting and quoting will we eventually form a worm-hole in the space time continuum? Or just get a really big post?

Hah, yeah… What kind of line is ‘sweet rover’ anyway? :stuck_out_tongue:

Later on the marines say “chickenshBEEP”… Yet in that cutscene they don’t censor it… O.o What gives?

I think when they did the sounds for the marines they probibly thought it’d be funny to censor them. However, they felt when conveying the story, the censor would’ve killed the atmosphere they were trying to create. Or it could be the context the word is used. Games do that alot, I mean look at Conker’s Bad Fur Day:

Beatles: Lets go and kick the shit out of this bastard.

Later on:

Weasle: NOthing like a good *$#%.

That’s an example of context more than setting the mood though.

The overall genre is effect.

You guys really do get off the topic really fast. :laughing:

Well, I guess I’ll just interrupt the current discussion to point out my sig and avatar. Does anyone notice anything in the sig? I’ll give you a hint. The same thing is also in the upper-left corner of the screen at the end of the H2G2 trailer.

Where’s the HG2G trailer?


By the way Troid, you rule officially. I love the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy.

BTW It’s April 29th now.

WHAT?!?!?!?! :O_O:

Great… Now I need to edit my sig, avatar, and get a new official wallpaper! :angry: :angry:

Edit: Oh, did you notice the secret in my sig?

Edit2: Even better… :angry: The official wallpaper’s “april 29, 2005” isn’t in the H2G2 text used before… :sweat: Now I have to make my own H2G2 letters again! :angry:

hopes it doesn’t continue to change…