Mission Final MIDIs

you should start with simpler pieces and learn to become really good first?

Is that another crappy wannabee standard from Microsoft?

It sounds really similar to SNES sounds, so whether that’s crappy or not is an opinion. I like old-school sounds. But otherwise yes. Generally there are some others that come with the computer, too, though, and it’s been around forever, so they’re not going to completely get rid of it like they did with DOS. :sweat: Well, okay, they could easily like they did with DOS, but some MIDIs sound really good in MSGSWTSW and crappy in higher-quality synths. Getting rid of it would be just as bad as getting rid of DOS, so I’m glad they still keep it.

Eh, I think I’m defending this too much. But the point still remains that most people are going to be using that one.

Minor MIDI update - unfinished product/WIP

Okay, no offense, but I think this is getting worse. Before you move on, you need to fix the missing notes all over the place. The main theme in the beginning has notes that are almost a nothingth of a second long, there are measures here and there where the chords in the background will suddenly go missing, leaving the song sounding empty and dead for a second, etc.

In the beginning, if you’re going to have the trumpet be normal volume while everything else is at 1% normal volume, at least have the song start loud and fade out a little before the trumpet comes in. Otherwise people are going to wonder if their speakers just died or something. I suggest not going quiet at all, though. This should be a loud fanfare with a bunch of blasting chords (without MIDI static).

Also, a chord consists of three or more different notes. In the beginning, you only have 1 to 2 held notes playing at a time, on two different instruments, in 2 different octaves. “Chords” like that make the song sound completely empty. And no, making more instruments playing those same notes does nothing but add more MIDI static. Multiple instruments playing a variety of notes does make a difference, though.

And just so you know, that weird French Horn audio track doesn’t work at all, so I don’t know if I’m even getting the whole MIDI or not… If you did have something on that track, just know that you should stick with MIDI only. Make the MIDI itself sound good.

I’m also not too fond of the string ensemble you use, because in MSGSWTSW it has to fade in for each note, which is kind of ugly… Just listen to a bunch of explosion sounds backwards and you’ll see what I mean. Use string ensemble 1.

This may sound a little harsh, but I really don’t want to see this MIDI end up failing.

Right got your comments.

Yes, apart from the problems Troid mentioned this is pretty good.

I’ll try and update it myself.

Edit: Wait, it’s MP3? Why? All the sounds are MIDI… you didn’t make an MP3, thinking it would be better, did you? :confused:

No, I just like good synths.

I have after a long break come up with a slightly better version (opinions differ!)

Newer Mission Final MIDI

All comments are welcome and any advice on which direction I should go in would be appreciated.


Well, that syncopated timpani is really annoying and clashy, the chords are still way too minor, random notes all over the place are missing or way too short, there aren’t enough different notes in the chords (just the same one or two repeated at different octaves, giving the song a kind of empty feeling), and it just sounds pretty ugly overall. Everything I said earlier still pretty much applies. <_>

I like the new percussion track, though.

The midi board might just really suck on my computer (haven’t looked into it since I got it), but the trumpet near the beggining just bugs me…
And a few more things I noticed… it seems to lack the slow-ish part that’s always in the middle somewhere (the part that’s… well… slow, and sounds a bit dark 'n everything.) and the way it just cuts off at the end bugs me. Not even so much that it fades out, but it just sounds wrong somehow… maybe try holding the last note longer? And being a drummer, I’d want to do something crazy with the drum part at the end… but yeah. Just my opinions.