Faxanadu - Revival

ok, sorry ^^;;

when you hit up in the presense of a ladder youre supposed to attach to it
if you hold up, you climb up
hold down, obviously goes down
if youre not holding either button and are still on the ladder, you stay on the ladder

sadly im still very wet behind the ears on GM and cant quite figure out how to do all that

if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up)) {   if position_meeting(x,y,obj_ladder)   {      climb = true      gravity = 0      if (keyboard_check_direct(vk_up))      {         vspeed = -4      }      if (keyboard_check_direct(vk_down))      {         vspeed = 4      }   }   else   {      climb = false   } }
There was an extra space in there. “position_meeting (x,y,obj_ladder)”
If that wasn’t the problem, try making the code actually move the character, not just set vspeed. So change vspeed = -4 to y -= 4 and vspeed = 4 to y = 4.
Also, the first if checks for up, and the third if checks for down. Isn’t that impossible?

EDIT: Problems I foresee with your code:

  1. You will still be in climb mode forever as long as you don’t press up while not on the ladder.
  2. vspeed will not change unless you change it elsewhere in the code.
    If I were you, I’d restructure the code like this.

if position_meeting(x,y,obj_ladder) { &nbsp; if (keyboard_check_direct(vk_up)) &nbsp; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;climb = true &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;gravity = 0 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;y -= 4 &nbsp; } &nbsp; if (keyboard_check_direct(vk_down)) &nbsp; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;climb = true &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;gravity = 0 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;y += 4 &nbsp; } } else { &nbsp; gravity = <normal gravity> &nbsp; climb = false }
EDIT2: My code is worse in the sense that the “else” is running constantly, though, which would interfere with other parts of the program. Not sure what the optimal way is.
EDIT3: Oho. Here we go:

if position_meeting(x,y,obj_ladder) { &nbsp; if (keyboard_check_direct(vk_up)) &nbsp; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;climb = true &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;gravity = 0 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;y -= 4 &nbsp; } &nbsp; if (keyboard_check_direct(vk_down)) &nbsp; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;climb = true &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;gravity = 0 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;y += 4 &nbsp; } } else { &nbsp; if (climb == true) &nbsp; { &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;gravity = <normal gravity> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;climb = false &nbsp; } }
That’s how I’d do it.

Also, sorry for the huge wall of code.

now he just sorta hops in the climbing position o.o
and yet thats still way better then i got him to do xD

Oh. You’re just setting gravity again elsewhere. Lol.

Would it be possible to tek a look at yer source?
Tim’s code is airtight, basicly.

this is how horribly new i am at this
im not even sure about what youre talking about ^^;

The .gmk file?

gimmie a bit and i’ll get it to you

Should be fix’d, Tim was right, you were setting gravity every step.

much better ^^
thanks much!

Go me. >_>

Also go me. <_<

Go team. :smiley:

I played Faxanadu a lot when I was younger, but I really don’t know why.
The game had shitty graphics and terrible controls, but I could try to fix the sprites you posted.

holy crap!
that took longer then expected
(had some personal and family issuses)

after a loooong “vacation”
im almost back completely
few minor things to hack out and i’ll be back on track

(i havent gotten shit done in waaay to long x.x)

i know exactly how you feel
the sword took too long to stick out and the control were just messed up
graphics i dont really care about but they did suck

still it was one of the best games ever o.o
i dont get it

and please feel free to fix em
infact i encourage it ^^