upgraded the sun beam:
I like the Ing suit.
thank you so very much (the first one that gine a nice comment about my work)
the beams are cool…but its not that original, but the ing suit is awsome. GJ, just need to make movements for it.
I like the suit. You’re on the right track that Nintendo needs to learn–varia recolors are boring. They finally got the drift with MP2, but their designs were kinda funky. Yours looks pretty cool.
I agree. The suit should still resemble the Varia (like the dark suit) but they shouldn’t be completely different (light suit). I think yours hit dead in the center. Good job.
a sword!
that is how I made it step by step!
[edit] and also, please post comments!
the ing suit is nice and the sword looks pretty cool.
The shading on the blade is…irregular… But the hilt looks kick ass. Good job!
The Ing Suit is cute and all, but it is only one frame. Heh.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 for the ing suit! best. sprite. ever. lol not really but it looks awsome awsome awsome (i would not be able to do it)
Wha that looks good just add some shading to it.
There already is shading on it, but I can see what you mean.
Your shading is just a gradient going diagonally…
It looks completely flat.
i think that it looks terrible against the black background. darken around the sides maybe? and definently add an outline (unless of course u think it would look better with out one?)
I think the Ing suit is pretty cool. It actually looks like somehting retro might do. It could use some shading here and there, but the look is nice, and original.
Teh Ing is cool, but…
…does it evolve into a sofa?
wtf does that table have to do with anything!?!