
… What’s the goal of this again? A humoungo-powerful bomb? In that case, there’d have to be a way to rip everything off the antimatter at the detonation site.

Nuclear fission.

… Why didn’t I think of that…

There are these times, y’see, when part of my brain just shuts off. During those times, there are things that I don’t think of / don’t remember, and my cognitive ability is slightly hindered.

I think it has to do with my caffeine addiction.


Whoa, Whoa, Whoa…Slow down. Wouldn’t you just have anitprotons and positrons? Cause matter can’t interact with anitmatter? Or is that the electron shell, cause now I’m completely lost. Oh, and on a completely different side note, the number of protons has to be equal to the number of electrons. Same with antiprotons and positrons. But I think everyone already knew that…

Um. Who told you that?

Look up ions.

Whoops, my mistake. I meant it can’t react with matter without drastic results, correct?

Well, I wasn’t actually counting ions. I meant atoms or compounds not in Ion “format.” So disregarding Ions, don’t protons have to equal electrons? And I think it can be assumed for antiprotons and positrons, correct?

Yes, by definition of ions, and yes.

Also, antimatter can’t TOUCH matter without annihilating. They can still exert forces on each other just fine, though.

I’d love to know how having an electron shell around an anti-atom would help stabilize it. Haven’t you stopped to think that if electrons do not crash into the atomic nuclei, there’s no reason why positrons would crash into the anti-atomic ones without having to do silly stuff like electronic shells?

The point of the electron shell, at least in my fantasy world of no significant physics knowledge, is to keep the positrons and antinucleus from hitting matter. If I have such an atom in a box, I want to carry it around without worrying about it hitting the walls of the box.

If we just ionize the atom and use magnets, that wouldn’t be at ALL a safe method of transporting the stuff.

Thanks for the clarification earlier, Tim. I got lost in the amount of time I’ve been missing this topic.